Saturday, September 5, 2015

Minute meals: eggs and rice

Ok so I used to make this meal all the time for lunch. In its simplest form this recipe only requires two ingredients eggs and rice. But I like to make several variations of this recipe. The one I wanted to include right now is my most recent and possibly favorite variation yet.
Eggs and rice
1 cup cooked rice
2 eggs
1/8 cup frozen spinach
The rest of the ingredients don't have set measurements I try to do a light coating over the eggs and rice.
Chile powder
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Cumin powder
1. Coat pan in oil and heat rice and spinach.
2. After one to two minutes add both eggs and seasonings and mix with the rice. Once the eggs are cooked it is done.
If the rice is precooked it takes about 5 minutes to make. I usually make this when I have leftover rice that I need to use but you could also make a big thing of rice to use for the rest of the week. A good ratio is 2 cups rice 3 cups water.
Let me know how you like it.

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